
screen 實用的設定檔

"screen" 是 Linux/Unix 上好用的虛擬終端機工具,可以單一個終端機程式(例 putty) 卻可以操作多個 terminal 視窗。


% cat ~/.screenrc

##caption always "%{= Rk} %?%F%{b kr}%? %?%:%t %{B}(Screen #%n)%? %{-} %-040=%{-}%{b km} | %l%{.b} | %m/%d %c:%s"
caption always "%{= Rk} %?%F%? %?%:%t %{= Bk}(##%n)%? %{-} %-030=%{= Yr} %l%{= Yk} | %m/%d %c:%s"

#hardstatus alwayslastline "%{+r} %-w%{+bu I}%n-%t%{-}%+w %= %{+ b}%11"
hardstatus alwayslastline "%{-b kw}%u %-Lw%{= gK}%50> %n%f %t %{-}%+Lw%<"

vbell off
defscrollback 25000

# use ALT + k to scrool up 1 page
bindkey "^[k" eval "copy" "stuff ^b"  # enter copy mode and move up one page
#bindkey "^k" eval "copy" "stuff k"    # enter copy mode and move up one line
bindkey -m "^[k" stuff ^b             # move up one page
#bindkey -m "^k" stuff k               # move up one line

切換虛擬視窗:按 ctrl + a + 數字
向上換頁: 按 atl + k,上、下鍵